Starting the Conversation
Season 1: The “S” Word in Marriage: Submission - What does a healthy, biblical marriage look like from a woman’s perspective, specifically the idea of wives submitting to their husbands? Ephesians 5:22 reads Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. But what does this passage really mean? In this three-part podcast, seven women from Warsaw Community Church share their perspectives on how the word “submit” plays out in their marriages. The ladies are not marriage experts but instead are God-honoring women who are willing to share their personal stories, trials and experiences to start a conversation that could help strengthen other marriages.
Starting the Conversation
The “S” Word in Marriage: Submission - Part 2
Warsaw Community Church
Season 1
Episode 2
Is there such a thing as a normal marriage? The answer to that question is discussed in Part 2, as well as what submission look likes for strong, independent women who run their households. In addition, the topics of how God’s and culture’s views of marriage are in sharp contrast to each other, how our views of marriage are shaped and how we deal with conflict are also examined.
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